Holly Knor Holly Knor

Embracing Change: The Journey to Transformation

Change and growth is a journey, a winding path that looks different for each of us. It's easy to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, especially when we compare our progress to others. But here's the truth: change is possible, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is to stay the course and never lose hope.

In my own journey of transformation, I learned the power of persistence. I realized that to create lasting change in my life, I needed to shift my mindset at the subconscious level. So, I embarked on a quest to discover tools and modalities that resonated with me and that worked for me. I needed to see and experience true and lasting change in my life.

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Reclaiming My Identity: Transforming from Chameleon to My Authentic Self

Have you ever watched a chameleon? It gracefully changes its colors to blend into its surroundings. It's a mesmerizing sight, a marvel of nature's adaptability. But what if I told you that for the longest time, I felt like that chameleon? I was always changing to fit others' expectations. I lost sight of who I truly was.

My burnout was not only from overwork and stress. It was rooted in something deeper—a chronic identity crisis. It left me feeling like a chameleon, always shifting to blend in. Like the chameleon, I found myself changing my colors. I did this to match the expectations of those around me.

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Diving Beneath the Surface: The Many Factors of Burnout

A Shift in Perspective: When I thought of burnout, I equated it to overworking. I thought of the long hours. I reflected on the physical, mental and emotional demands of work and life. Little did I know, burnout can be a result of a variety of factors - not only overworking.

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Burnout Journey, My Story Holly Knor Burnout Journey, My Story Holly Knor

Notes from the Journey…

Picture this: 16 years in veterinary practice, giving my all until one day, I realized that I hit the proverbial “wall”. I had hit the “wall” before in my life, but this one was taller, thicker and more dense than any that I had previously encountered. It wasn't just a "bad day at the office" kind of thing; it was a full-blown crash.

Here’s what happened: ….

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