Feather, Brick, Truck

Hello Again,

One question that I am often asked is, “How did you finally realize that you were actually burned out?”  So, I thought that I would unpack that a bit….

What is Burnout

When talking about burnout, it is important to understand a definition of what burnout is.  As defined by the Mayo Clinic, “Job burnout is a type of stress linked to work. It includes being worn out physically or emotionally. Job burnout also may involve feeling useless, powerless and empty. Burnout isn't a medical diagnosis.”

The Unspoken Struggle

When I started working in the medical industry, there wasn’t much talk about burnout.  I heard a lot about it when I was a competitive athlete in my childhood - always the talk of “not wanting to burnout” before you achieved your goal of being an Olympian (that’s another story for another time..).  I don’t remember hearing anything about burning out in my “dream career” as a veterinarian.  How could I ever burn out?  This is what I had dreamed of doing for as long as I could remember.  It is what I had worked so hard for. That's why I gave up so much. I gave up relationships, vacations, and parties with friends and classmates. I also gave up trips home for the holidays from college. I gave up all I had financially and my time (so many years of my life).  In regard to burnout, I didn’t know what to look for.  Therefore, I wasn’t prepared to recognize the signs when burnout crept up on me.

Feather, Brick, Truck

In my case there were signs along the way, but I missed them.  Perhaps you have heard of the “Feather, Brick, Truck” metaphor.  It refers to the way that we can learn lessons in life. We learn them consciously - That's part of why I'm writing this blog — this may be your "feather." Or, we learn them through a painful experience.  

When you need to make a change in your life, you will first receive a "feather".  This is the gentle nudge that something is off, you need to pay attention and that something has to change.   If you ignore the “feather” warning and don’t make some changes, next comes the “brick”.  This is the stronger warning that something isn’t right and you NEED to pay attention. If you ignore the “brick” and “power through”, then along comes the “truck”.  This is something that causes significant pain and makes you feel like you have “been run over by a truck”. 

How this relates to Burnout

What are the feather, the brick and the truck in relationship to burnout? Below are some signs that you might see in each of the 3 categories: 

Some “feathers”: 

You may feel tired no matter how much you sleep, irritable, forgetful, and unmotivated. You may also see your passion for your work fading. Or, it may just be a gut feeling that something is wrong.

Some “bricks”: 

You may have: tiredness, procrastination, cynicism, constant pressure, numbing behavior (like binge watching TV, food, or alcohol), avoiding co-workers and/or family, apathy, chronic injuries, reoccurring pain, and broken work or personal relationships. 

Some “trucks”:

You now face: the loss of a significant relationship or a divorce, a major health issue, the loss of your job, chronic tiredness, or burnout. At this point, you may feel anxiety or depression. You may not yet recognize burnout as the cause.

My Personal Awakening

For me, the “feathers” were exhaustion, irritability, and ignoring my “gut feeling” that something was wrong. I knew that medicine was a challenging career and I felt that I had the strength to power through.  Little did I know that I had started the habit of “gas-lighting” myself. 

The "bricks" were the chronic worry and pessimism. I also had procrastination and felt constant pressure in all areas of life. My coping mechanism of over-exercising caused chronic injuries and hypothyroidism.  

Finally, the “truck” - I went through a divorce, and then developed a severely debilitating chronic pain condition. I felt depressed, exhausted, and like I was barely surviving.  Fortunately, I was introduced to a specialist who finally diagnosed my conditions.  That is when the realization hit me – I was physically and emotionally drained and had been for years. I was losing the ability to care for my patients, myself, and most importantly, my children. It was a pivotal moment that set me on a path of self-discovery and recovery.

Tools for Transformation

Recognizing burnout is the first step, but what comes next is crucial. In my journey, I discovered the power of going beyond surface-level solutions. It was about addressing the root cause and finding practical, sustainable solutions.  This is what I have based my coaching programs on. 

A Call to Action

My call to action occurred when I felt like everything around me and inside of me was failing. What is yours? 

If you're a medical professional feeling the weight of burnout, know that you're not alone. 

In the upcoming posts, I'll share more insights into recognizing burnout and practical tools to overcome it.

Here's to breaking the silence, recognizing the signs, and paving the way to a life that's authentically yours – a life you actively shape.

Cheering you on to healing and discovering the way out of the chaos to a place of peace, 

Holly ◡̈  


Diving Beneath the Surface: The Many Factors of Burnout


Notes from the Journey…