What Are Attachment Styles?

According to the American Psychological Society, “attachment styles are the characteristic way people relate to others in the context of intimate relationships.”

Your attachment style impacts every area of your life including your relationships, career, finances, spirituality, mental and emotional. Understanding your attachment style allows you to better manage stress to effectively navigate your optimal life. 

“Attachment is an emotional bond with another person. Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. “

— Kendra Cherry

Anxious Preoccupied.

Relationships can often make you feel anxious, unsafe or insecure because you likely have a subconscious fear of abandonment. As a result, you seek more closeness in your relationships and can feel afraid if you sense a loved one is pulling away.

Fearful Avoidant.

Relationships can feel chaotic, confusing and overwhelming because you swing between being avoidant and anxious. Depending on the relationship, you can shift between being "hot and cold," often feeling confused about your feelings.

Dismissive Avoidant.

Intense emotions can feel overwhelming and can cause you to pull away from others. You may find yourself withdrawing from arguments or triggering situations. This need for independence can cause challenges in your relationships and inner conflict for you because deep down, you want to connect with others.

Securely Attached.

You often feel comfortable and at ease in relationships. You’re also good at communicating your needs and feelings, and feel open to vulnerability in your relationships. However, sometimes you can experience difficulty when relating to those who aren’t as secure in relationships.

There are four different types of attachment styles*:

*Thais Gibson - The Personal Development School