Reclaiming My Identity: Transforming from Chameleon to My Authentic Self

Have you ever watched a chameleon? It gracefully changes its colors to blend into its surroundings. It's a mesmerizing sight, a marvel of nature's adaptability. But what if I told you that for the longest time, I felt like that chameleon? I was always changing to fit others' expectations. I lost sight of who I truly was.

My burnout was not only from overwork and stress. It was rooted in something deeper—a chronic identity crisis. It left me feeling like a chameleon, always shifting to blend in. Like the chameleon, I found myself changing my colors. I did this to match the expectations of those around me.

When someone asked me, “What do you want?”, I had this realization.” I could say several things that I thought I should want. Family, society, friends, my boss, and others imposed them. But, I realized that I didn’t know what I wanted. I had lost touch with myself and my authentic desires. This led me to look inside myself - introspection. I found priceless insights.

Signs of a Chronic Identity Crisis - audit yourself:

Below are some signs that helped me see I was in an identity crisis. As you read them, you can "score" yourself and use them as a "quiz" to see if you may be experiencing an Identity Crisis.

  1. Feeling Unfulfilled in Relationships: You yearn for deeper connections and understanding. But, you struggle to say what you need.

  2. Chronic Feeling of Being Unseen, Unheard, or Misunderstood: Communication is hard when one is cut off and disconnected from one's true self.

  3. Feeling a Lack of Purpose in Life: Without a clear purpose in various life aspects, it's easy to feel adrift.

  4. Lack of Financial Goals: People lack financial goals because they're unclear on their values and priorities.

  5. Lack of Clarity in Daily Life: Lack of clarity in daily life may mean that you struggle to plan your days well. This may be a sign of a disconnect between your conscious plans and your hidden (subconscious) desires.

  6. Difficulty Seeing Things Through: Struggling to follow through on commitments to oneself or others may mean that goals and beliefs don't match

  7. Clarity Of Values and Integrity: A lack of clarity about personal values can lead to moral ambiguity and decision-making challenges.

  8. Lack of Passion: Passion often gives life a sense of direction. Its lack may lead to feeling lost or unsure.

  9. Emotional Unfulfillment: A pervasive feeling of disengagement and disinterest. It may signal underlying identity issues.

What is your score? If you resonate with many of these signs, it's time to take action. Examining yourself and looking inside lead to a deeper self-understanding. They allow for conscious choices in life design.

Tools for Transformation:

Acknowledging my identity crisis was the first step towards transformation. With this awareness, I found and used tools that enabled subconscious change. They led to lasting change in my life.

A Call to Action:

Did you identify with any of the signs listed? Are you ready to break free from the grip of a chronic identity crisis? Are you ready to overcome anxiety and burnout? Take the first step by scheduling a Complimentary Coaching Consultation with me.

Like the chameleon finds its true colors, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. It led me to unravel my identity crisis. It wasn't easy; it required introspection, courage, and a willingness to embrace vulnerability. But with each step forward, I began to reclaim pieces of myself. I had long buried them beneath layers of society's rules and self-doubt.

Cheering you on to healing and self-discovery,

Holly ◡̈


Embracing Change: The Journey to Transformation


Diving Beneath the Surface: The Many Factors of Burnout